Visit our fundraiser tab to check out our current fundraisers.
Engage your community with custom t-shirts and more
Sell custom t-shirts and take donations with no inventory, hassles or risk. Just design your shirt, share why you are raising and then share your campaign. We fill the orders and send along the funds you raise! KultureFitz Fundraising is a great tool for any group, cause or community.
What is the ideal length of a KultureFitz fundraising campaign?
We have found 2 – 4 weeks works the best.
When do I receive the shirts that were sold through my KultureFitz fundraising campaign?
10 business calendar days following the close of your campaigns.
How often can we hold a KultureFitz Fundraiser?
That’s your call – some groups hold them monthly or seasonally. Custom T-Shirts in the summer and warm sweatshirts in the colder months.
Ready To Start? Contact Us Today
KultureFitz Contact Information
Phone: 405-293-2797